
Blockchain use cases

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Supply chains can be extremely complicated because they involve so many different businesses and individuals. To improve processes and track assets more efficiently, many businesses are turning to cutting-edge technologies like IoT. IoT sensors, for instance, can assist in gathering information about the environment, how long cargo is transported or stored in a port, and whether it has been harmed or handled improperly. This information assists companies in optimizing their supply chains while also supporting insurance claims and resolving legal disputes. The only issue is that safeguarding all of this data is challenging. Blockchain technology can help with that.


Traceability & Transparency

Blockchain can help improve logistics by making supply chain management systems that are open, neutral, and strong. This allows for transparency, reliability, and security cuts down on fake goods and helps businesses make more money and sell more. It can be connected to enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems to make tracking and monitoring easier. This makes logistics more effective and efficient.

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One of the world’s most fragmented and ineffective industries is logistics. Due to inadequate supply chains and logistics, the majority of emerging markets lose 3–5% of their GDP annually. Effective logistics are a requirement for the long-term development of any business, nation, or region, as well as its citizens.

The lack of openness and the inability to go back and double-check the entire supply chain makes it simple for malevolent actors to alter supply chain management. In the end, businesses and consumers are affected by counterfeit items and this may be a serious issue.


Blockchain can help to build open, neutral, and robust systems that allow complete and easy integration with its clients’ ERP systems, providing visibility, reliability, availability of trucks, security, trust, higher cash flows, and stronger sales to its clients.

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Ecosystem Accountability

Blockchain technology can address challenges in sustainability and environmental impact through carbon credits verification, real-time environmental monitoring, transparent non-profit donations, and waste management tracking. It can improve transparency, reduce fraud, and provide tamper-proof data for better decision-making in addressing climate change and environmental issues.

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The absence of sufficient infrastructure and incentives in present recycling programs makes it impossible to assess the efficiency of these programs, which puts the globe at a considerable disadvantage in terms of sustainability and environmental impact. In addition to being difficult to identify and avoid, supply chain management has weaknesses that may further damage the environment. In addition, there is a lack of accountability and transparency in the recording and monitoring of businesses’ environmental impacts, which might lead to fraud and data manipulation. To solve these problems and achieve substantial advancements toward sustainability objectives, a comprehensive strategy is required.


Since blockchain technology facilitates transparency, fraud reduction, and tamper-proof data recording, it may provide solutions for enhancing sustainability and decreasing environmental impact. Carbon credits and other environmental credits, air quality monitoring, and transparency for non-profit environmental groups are all possible uses. It may also be used to track food waste, lessen its volume, and boost supply chain visibility. In general, many issues related to sustainability and environmental effects may be helped by using blockchain technology.

AstraKode for Supply Chain

IoT Management & Monitoring

Integration and control of many IoT devices and sensors in the supply chain are difficult. This leads to too much data, data breaches, privacy loss, and financial losses. An IoT-based blockchain system that tracks product life cycles throughout the supply chain can overcome this challenge easily. This method eliminates paperwork, secures financial transactions, and makes the supply chain much safer and transparent.

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The integration and management of a large number of IoT devices and sensors in the supply chain can become overwhelming, leading to difficulties in gaining meaningful insights and ensuring data security and integrity. With the increasing number of devices, data can become difficult to handle and the risk of hacking, data breaches, and financial losses increases. The scattered nature of IoT devices and sensors also makes monitoring and control difficult, resulting in inefficiencies and missed opportunities.


Blockchain solutions based on the Internet of Things may reduce the issues associated with integrating and controlling a large number of IoT devices and sensors in the supply chain by providing a trustworthy and immutable record of all transactions. This enables real-time tracking and monitoring of commodities along the supply chain, increasing security for both customers and businesses. Smart contracts may automate financial transactions in addition to improving supply chain security and lowering administrative costs. This may give a comprehensive perspective of supply chain operations in addition to increasing data quality and traceability.
