Companies are facing growing pressure to improve their environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) practices, but many struggle with a lack of competence and transparency in these areas. The practice of “greenwashing,” or exaggerating sustainability claims, has led to increased scrutiny and penalties from regulators. Additionally, the lack of clear and standardized ESG norms and metrics, makes it difficult for organizations to define, uphold, and measure progress, leading to mistakes in reporting and mistrust among regulators and customers.
By providing a transparent and immutable way for monitoring and reporting on numerous data points linked to an organization’s ESG performance, blockchain technology can help alleviate some of the difficulties associated with Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) reporting. Proof of compliance and the elimination of greenwashing can be obtained via the blockchain’s immutable records. The data collection and reporting process can be automated with smart contracts, saving time and money. In addition to helping businesses conform to regulations and making it simpler for authorities to enforce them, this can also boost confidence in and accountability for ESG reporting.